Is eLearning worth the investment for Corporate Entities?

The age of technology has revolutionized learning and development. Large organizations, including the small businesses have started understanding the value of eLearning. Elearning not only saves about 50% of the company's money but also cuts down instruction time at least by 60%. This attribute of eLearning has caught attention of the corporate houses and now they have started adapting this strategy.

The biggest factor that stops those companies from going for it is the cost. They are in a state of confusion whether investing in eLearning would help them in the long run. This article will provide arguments which would be helpful to get a clear understanding of benefits of eLearning.

  1. Reduction of Costs in Training :
    As the learning goes online, the fact becomes obvious that printed training materials would no more be required. People can use their electronic devices to get trained and grow. Of course, installation of eLearning in corporate training would ask for an investment but it potentially results in a huge savings in the long run.

  2. Quick Deployment of Content
    Deployment of content across the cloud is the fastest method of spreading knowledge. The employees need not wait for the printed materials be delivered to their desk anymore. They can easily log in to the portal and get access to the wealth of information in the split of a time.
    For example if the company feels that the sales team needs more training based on the current statistics, they need to deploy the Learning Management System's (LMS) web conferencing feature to provide the same in corporate training.

  3. Easy Accessibility of Information Gone are the days when employees had to wait for hours when they had to refresh their memories regarding that complicated code in a specific program. With a properly deployed LMS, they can easily get access to the information. This also helps in keeping the employees up-to-date on new changes in the company procedures, which in turn leads to more customer satisfaction and improved business.

  4. Enhanced Knowledge Retention
  5. In corporate training, giving the employees an easy access to the source of information, helps them retain the skill set and knowledge from time to time. Getting a real time assessment, interactive sessions and skill enhancement programs helps them digest the information more effectively.

  6. Great Replacement for On-site Instructors
  7. As the courses are available online, there is barely a need for an instructor. This is undoubtedly one of the most notable benefits that comes via eLearning to corporate training. The organization that seeks corporate training no longer has to pay or travel, accommodation and training fees to the instructor and hence saves lots of money.

  8. Quick Updates on Training
  9. Updating the business strategies is one of the most important things an organization does. With the implementation of a good LMS, a company involving corporate training can pass the updates quickly and more effectively.

  10. Enhances Employee Productivity
  11. eLearning undoubtedly boosts productivity of the employees because it gives them round the clock access to study materials, which in turn helps them evaluate themselves at their own pace. Staff members of a company who have very good knowledge support their coworkers, which in turn promotes integrity and natural growth.

  12. Lower Employee Turnover Rates
  13. If the employees of a company are happy and learning more, they are more likely to be loyal to the company. As employees are enabled to learn at their own pace in corporate training, they find it easy to discover their strengths and pinpoint the areas they need to work on. They ultimately become better employees and informed proponents the your brand.

With advancement in technology, expectation of easing the business processes also rises. Traditional classroom coaching has its own benefits but eLearning is the one that can promote growth of both entry-level and established organizations.


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